Access for disabled
Located on the Osseghem street, this parking is ideal for residents and shops nearby. Tired of looking for a parking place when coming back home? This secured night parking is your solution! Limited places.
Height: 1.5 m Width: 1.7 m length: 3.6 mSedan
Height: 1.5 m Width: 1.85 m length: 4.7 mFamily
Height: 1.7 m Width: 1.9 m length: 4.85 m4x4
Height: 1.8 m Width: 2 m length: 5 m
Rue Jules Vieujant - Jules Vieujantstraat
Rue Euterpe - Euterpestraat
Rue du Lierre - Klimopstraat
Rue Pierre-J. Demessemaeker - Pierre-J. Demessemaekerstraat
Rue Jules Delhaize - Jules Delhaizestraat
Tram 82 at 100 m
Tram 82 at 100 m
Fill in your identification information
Download the app for iPhone or Android .
2Login and open your parking with one click.
When you are in front of the barrier, call the number indicated on the BePark sign with the phone number you mentioned when you made your reservation.
2Choose the voice menu option to enter your parking.
3The gate opens.