Looking for a parking space in the center of Brussels? This parking is between the Madou and Arts-loi metro stations, it is also close to many bus stations and the European district. Available 24/7, it is perfect for workers and residents nearby. Rent a parking space directly online and enjoy a smooth parking experience!
Height: 1.5 m Width: 1.7 m length: 3.6 mSedan
Height: 1.5 m Width: 1.85 m length: 4.7 mFamily
Height: 1.7 m Width: 1.9 m length: 4.85 m4x4
Height: 1.8 m Width: 2 m length: 5 m
Rue Joseph II - Jozef II-straat
Rue de la Loi - Wetstraat
Rue de Spa - Spastraat
Rue du Marteau - Hamerstraat
Metro 1,5 at 100 m
Fill in your identification information
Download the app for iPhone or Android .
2Login and open your parking with one click.
When you are in front of the barrier, call the number indicated on the BePark sign with the phone number you mentioned when you made your reservation.
2Choose the voice menu option to enter your parking.
3The gate opens.