Pedestrian exit
This parking is not available for daily reservation, please check the closest parkings that offers reservations.
Located in Schaerbeek (Brussels), this car park is only available for small cars. It is also located next to Rooms & Apartments Housingbrussels. Furthermore, numerous shops (Delhaize), banks (kbc, Belfius) and schools (School Notre Dame De La Paix) are nearby. At 120 meters is the bus stop "Brabançonne", where buses 28. 56, 61 and 64 run. Thanks to BePark, it is therefore easy and inexpensive to find a car park in this urban space that meets your needs. Don't wait any longer and book this car park now.
Height: 1.5 m Width: 1.7 m length: 3.6 m
Avenue Charbo - Charbolaan
Rue Louis Scutenaire - Louis Scutenairestraat
Rue Marcel Marien - Marcel Mariënstraat
Rue du Noyer - Notelaarsstraat
Chaussée de Louvain - Leuvensesteenweg
Tram 28 at 120 m
Fill in your identification information
Download the app for iPhone or Android .
2Login and open your parking with one click.
When you are in front of the barrier, call the number indicated on the BePark sign with the phone number you mentioned when you made your reservation.
2Choose the voice menu option to enter your parking.
3The gate opens.