Video surveillance
Pedestrian exit
This parking lot is reserved for residents who live less than 700 meters from the parking lot entrance, a proof of residence of less than 3 months old is required. The Comenius secure parking is provided by the Flemish Community Commission (VGC - Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie) in collaboration with BePark and parking.brussels. This parking lot, located at the corner of rue Felix Vande Zande and rue du Parc Elisabeth, next to the Elisabeth Park and the National Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Koekelberg, is close to the "Simonis" metro stop, lines 2 and 6 of which serve the city center. The district has many stores, schools, supermarkets and pharmacies, as well as gyms such as Basic Fit. This parking lot is perfect for residents of the Simonis district. Reserve your space online now!
Height: 1.5 m Width: 1.7 m length: 3.6 mSedan
Height: 1.5 m Width: 1.85 m length: 4.7 mFamily
Height: 1.7 m Width: 1.9 m length: 4.85 m4x4
Height: 1.8 m Width: 2 m length: 5 m
Rue du Petit-Berchem - Klein Berchemstraat
Avenue de la Basilique - Basilieklaan
Avenue du Château - Kasteellaan
Avenue de l'Hopitâl Français - Frans Gasthuislaan
Avenue Josse Goffin - Josse Goffinlaan
Bus 355 at 130 m
Tram 19 at 150 m
Fill in your identification information
Download the app for iPhone or Android .
2Login and open your parking with one click.
When you are in front of the barrier, call the number indicated on the BePark sign with the phone number you mentioned when you made your reservation.
2Choose the voice menu option to enter your parking.
3The gate opens.